Hi, I'm Abi. I hope you stay and read about my practice, but my office is closed right now to limit the spread of this pandemic. Click here to read more about virtual appointments I’m offering!
Feel free to read all about my work here on my website. What are you hoping massage can help you with? Whether it's headaches, chronic pain, the discomforts of pregnancy, anxiety and trauma responses, stiffness or pain from a new sport, TMJ disfunction or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I'm happy to help. Use the links on the left to explore the site!
You can always call or email me if you have any specific questions or just want to chat before you book your massage.
Gift Certificates are not currently available. Watch this page for more information about things I might offer online!
Chair Massage
Call or email if you'd like to offer chair massage at your event or workplace. I am sometimes able to provide chair massage-for-donation at charity events for causes I feel strongly about.
Birth Doula
Right now I'm accepting doula clients who are friends or existing massage clients. I have attended births since I completed my ALACE training in 2003.